ArchLand02917.pngValidating 3D source data


Workspace: Path

Validate 3D Data

Architect: AEC > Terrain

Landmark: Landmark > Create Site Model

Use the Validate 3D Data command before you create the site model, to check the 3D source data for problems. Even if a site model already exists, the source data can be checked. If problems occur due to erroneous site model source data, alerts are automatically displayed. A site model with problems can still be created; however, results may not be as expected.

The following problems can generate an alert:

Duplicate 3D data points or polygons

3D data points that are coincident or vertically placed

Crossing 3D polygons in the 3D source data

Missing source data

To validate 3D source data:

Select the source data (3D loci, 3D polygons, or stake objects) to be checked.

Select the command.

If the source data are valid, a dialog box states that no problems were found. Proceed with creating the site model as described in Confección del modelado de terreno.

If there are errors in the source data, the Problems with Site Model Source Data dialog box opens.

Problems encountered are listed, and some conditions have an associated button for correcting each one by modifying or deleting the erroneous data.

When problem correction is complete, click Close.

Select Validate 3D Data again to ensure that the problems have been corrected.

Simplifying 3D polygons

Corrección de conflictos con modificadores de terreno


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